Skiing is one of the most exciting winter sports activities you can do.In English, skiing is spelled (and pronounced) "skiing" - with two "is".If youre planning on going skiing on a mountain with a group, its important to know the right terminology to use so you can communicate effectively.Besides "skiing," other important words to know include "lift," "slope," "groomed," "backcountry," and "powder."The "lift" is the chairlift or gondola that takes you up the mountain.The "slope" is the actual skiing trail that you move down.A "groomed" slope is one that has been smoothed out by a special machine to make it easier to ski."Backcountry" skiing is when you go off-trail into the more wilderness areas around the mountain."Powder" is new, fresh snow that hasnt been skied on yet, and is generally considered the best type of snow for skiing.
Remember, being able to communicate with your skiing partners is key to having a fun and safe time on the mountain. So if youre planning a skiing trip, take some time to learn these important English ski terms before you go!
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